Gene drives and gingivitis bacteria

One piece of sci-fi technology that doesn’t get much talk these days is gene drives. When I was an up and coming biology student, these were the subject of every seminar, the case study of every class, and they were going to eliminate malaria worldwide.

Now though, you hardly hear a peep about them. And I don’t think, like some of my peers, that this is because anti-technology forces have cowed scientists and policy-makers into silence. I don’t see any evidence that gene drives are quietly succeeding in every test, or that they are being held back by Greenpeace or other anti-GMO groups.

I just think gene drives haven’t lived up to the hype.

Let me step back a bit: what *is* a gene drive? A gene drive is a way to manipulate the genes of an entire species. If you modify the genes of a single organism, when it reproduces only at most 50% of its progeny will have whatever modification you give it. Unless your modification confers a lot of evolutionary fitness to the organism, there is no way to make every one of the organism’s descendants have your modification.

But a gene drive can do just that. In fact, a gene drive can confer an evolutionary disadvantage to an organism, and you can still guarantee all of the organism’s decedents will have that gene. The biggest use-case for gene drives is mosquitoes. You can give mosquitoes a gene that prevents them from sucking human blood, but since this confers an evolutionary disadvantage, your gene won’t last many generations before evolution weeds it out.

But if you put your gene in a gene drive, you can in theory release a population of mosquitoes carrying this gene and ensure all of their decedents have the gene and thus won’t attack humans. In a few generations, a significant fraction of all mosquitoes will have this gene, thus preventing mosquito bites as well as a whole host of diseases mosquitoes bring.

Now this is a lot of genetic “playing God,” and I’m sure Greenpeace isn’t happy about it. But environmentalist backlash has never managed to stamp out 100% of genetic technology. CRISPR therapies and organisms are on the rise, GMO crops are still planted worldwide, environmentalists may hold back progress but they cannot stop it.

But talk about gene drives *has* slowed considerably and I think it’s because they just don’t work as advertised.

See, to be effective a gene drive requires an evolutionary contradiction: it must reduce an organism fitness but still be passed on to the progeny. Mosquitoes don’t just bite humans for fun, we are some of the most common large mammals in the world, and our blood is rich in nutrients. For mosquitoes, biting us is a necessity for life. So if you create a gene drive that knocks out this necessity, you are making the mosquitoes who carry your gene drive less evolutionarily fit.

And gene drives are not perfect. The gene they carry can mutate, and even if redundancy is built in, that only means more mutations will be necessary to overcome the gene drive. You can make it more and more improbable that mutations will occur, but you cannot prevent them forever. So when you introduce a gene drive, hoping that all the progeny will carry this gene that prevents mosquitoes biting humans, eventually one lucky mosquito will be born that is resistant to the gene drive’s effects. It will have an evolutionary advantage because it *will* bite humans, and so like antibiotic resistant bacteria, it will grow and multiply as the mosquitoes who still carry the gene drive are outcompeted and die off.

Antibiotics did not rid the world of bacteria, and gene drives cannot rid the world of mosquitoes. Evolution is not so easily overcome.

I tell this story in part to tell you another story. Social media was abuzz recently thanks to a guerilla marketing campaign for a bacteria that is supposed to cure tooth decay. The science can be read about here, but I was first alerted to this campaign by stories of an influencer who would supposedly receive the bacteria herself and then pledged to pass it on to others by kissing them. Bacteria can indeed be passed by kissing, by the way.

But like gene drives, this bacteria doesn’t seem to be workable in the context of evolution. Tooth decay happens because certain bacteria colonize our mouth and produce acidic byproducts which break down our enamel. Like mosquitoes, they do not do this just for fun. The bacteria do this because it is the most efficient way to get rid of their waste.

The genetically modified bacteria was supposed to not produce any acidic byproducts, and so if you colonized someone’s mouth with this good bacteria instead of the bad bacteria, their enamel would never be broken down by the acid. But this good bacteria cannot just live in harmony and contentment, life is a war for resources and this good bacteria will be fighting with one hand tied behind its back.

Any time you come into contact with the bad bacteria, it will likely outcompete the good bacteria because it’s more efficient to just dispose of your waste haphazardly than it is to wrap it in a nice, non-acidic bundle first. Very quickly the good bacteria will die off and once again be replaced by bad bacteria.

So I’m quite certain this little marketing campaign will quietly die once its shown the bacteria doesn’t really do anything. And since I’ve read that there aren’t even any peer reviewed studies backing up this work, I’m even more certain of its swift demise.

Biology has brought us wonders, and we have indeed removed certain disease scourges from our world. Smallpox, rinderpest, and hopefully polio very soon, it is possible to remove pests from our world. But it takes a lot more work than simply releasing some mosquitoes or kissing someone with the right bacteria. And that’s because evolution is working against you every step of the way.

Ginkgo Bioworks: the economics of genetic engineering

Yesterday I discussed the science of genetic engineering, or at least its application to synthetic biology. Today I’d like to discuss how Ginkgo Bioworks is trying to monetize genetic engineering and gain all the value of its total addressable market.

To recap, genetic engineering is used for the production of biological molecules. If you have a drug for curing a disease you’ll need to produce mass quantities of it to both get through clinical trials and sell to patients down the road. In modern cases, that drug will usually be produced in specially made genetically modified organisms, and then purified out of those organisms using a specific purification pathway. The end result is a pure drug, which is something that the FDA demands and patients really want as it cuts down on variability and potential side effects. This is the business that Ginkgo Bioworks wants to get into, they want to be the ones producing those genetically modified organisms and validated those purification pathways. The organism and the pathway then become akin to intellectual property (IP) for the production pathway of that drug. So say you’re a company that own a drug but has no ability to produce it at scale, Ginkgo will develop a production pathway and charge you the lowest possible price for doing so (making zero profit themselves). They do this because their IP specifies a revenue sharing agreement whereby they get a cut should you manage to sell your drug in the future. This system is what gave Ginkgo such a ridiculous valuation based on TAM, if they can be the lowest-cost provider of drug production pathways, then every single company will want to contract with them, and so they’ll get revenue from every single drug on the market.

The problem is… that’s not how it seems to have worked. First, Ginkgo wants to drive down the cost of producing these production pathways, but they’re competing with companies that already work at economies of scale far greater than them. Let’s start with just the first step of the producing a production pathway: you had to get DNA for your drug and insert it into an organism. There are already many companies that will do this job for you if you’re willing to pay up. Those companies include heavy hitters like Genescript (market cap of more than 3x what Ginkgo was at its peak) and Thermo Fisher (the 600lb gorilla of this sector). These companies have driven down the cost of DNA, genetically modified organisms, and other tools to the point that Ginkgo doesn’t seem much like competition. Now Thermo Fisher And Genescript to my knowledge won’t make an entire pathway for you, but they will you a large part of the pathway for dirt cheap and then sell you the tools to finish it up yourself. But that still means that for many of the steps, Ginkgo is competing with companies that are far larger than it which are better able to deploy economies of scale than it. So Ginkgo might not even be offering you the best price possible when you compare with using some of the big boys instead. And remember they need to be offering the best price possible as they don’t even make money by selling you this process, instead they need to entice you to sign the deal where they get a portion of your future revenue.

Then there’s the fact that their business model relies on successes but self-selects for failures. It’s important to start by remembering that most drugs which go through clinical trials will fail to make any money whatsoever. Ginkgo’s business model is to produce a drug production pathway and sell it for zero profit and bank on the revenue sharing portion to make them money, but they of course understand that most of these revenue sharing agreements won’t make any revenue. But then what type of drug discovery company will even take such an agreement? A large drug company (Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer) already has the in-house tools produce a drug production pathway, they have little reason to enter a revenue sharing agreement especially when Ginkgo’s cost might compare unfavorably with just buying stuff from Thermo Fisher and doing the rest themselves. A small drug company is exactly the type Ginkgo needs to go after, but what type of small drug company? A small company that has lots of money and a product they are very certain is a hit also will be dissuaded by the revenue-sharing agreement, why fork over so much future revenue unnecessarily? On the other hand a small drug company will less money, or a drug company that has a product it isn’t sure of, those would be the kind of customers who would willingly bet on Ginkgo, but they are also the customers who will be least likely to succeed at bringing their drug through clinical trials. If they have no money they could easily go bust before they make it, and if they’re unsure of their drug then it probably means their scientists know it’s a long shot. So Ginkgo’s business model is forcing it to self-select and take on the customers who are least likely to make it a lot of money through the revenue sharing agreement.

And that’s important because the revenue sharing is supposed to be how the company will grow larger, and until it grows larger it can never compete with the big boys on economies of scale, therefor never address it’s total addressable market because there will always be big companies for whom it’s cheaper not to even work with Ginkgo. This is a chicken and egg problem, they need to grow large to reach economies of scale and drive down the cost of their services, and they need to drive down the cost of their services to make it more enticing to sign those revenue sharing agreements, but as long as their services are still higher they’re stuck in a holding pattern. It’s important to note that at this point that Ginkgo had a loss-from-operations of about 650,000,000 dollars in Q3 2022 alone. They are expected to have total 2022 Revenue of around 500,000,000 dollars. They lost more in a single quarter then their expected year-long revenue and that trend shows no sign of changing. Their cash on hand at the end of all this was 1.3 billion dollars, and with plenty of stock to sell and loans to take out, they can continue this business for a while yet. I’ll talk more in a future post about their burn rate and their losses, but it’s important to note that this is where the company is: growing but not necessarily at at rate that will let it achieve lift-off. It needs find some way to make its revenue-sharing business model work, either by driving down their costs so much that other companies have to use their services or by somehow enticing more winners instead of losers to use their services. The only part of the firm that is close to break-even is the “biosecurity” arm a COVID-monitering and diagnostic service that will likely fade as the salience of COVID continues to fade. Perhaps they can pivot to new avenues of biosecurity, flu monitoring? Either way this work is much lower margin than the synthetic biology revolution that was supposed to propel their TAM, and stock price, into the stratosphere.

Ginkgo Bioworks: the science of genetic engineering

Last time I discussed Gingko Bioworks ($DNA) and how their absurd valuation over this past year was in part due to valuing them by their TAM (Total Addressable Market) on the assumption that they’d grow rapidly to meet it. Today I’d like to lay down exactly what Gingko does so that tomorrow I can discuss why I think they’ve been failing. Full disclosure: I’ll be writing this post assuming my audience is non-scientists, so if anything I write is obvious to you since you studied it yourself, feel free to skip ahead.

Gingko is in the industry of synthetic biology, which is just an application of genetic engineering. In synthetic biology, you manufacture biological things (proteins, cells, other molecules) in order to perform a specific job. The classic example of this is producing insulin for sale to diabetics. Prior to synthetic biology, insulin could only be procured from the living organisms that produced it, this was usually cows and pigs, who produce small amounts of it in their daily lives. Since the total amount of insulin you got from butchering a cow was tiny, the cost was astronomical. But insulin gets produced because it is coded for by a piece of DNA called a gene, and by cloning the gene for human insulin into a bacteria cell you can grow up huge colonies of those cells and extract the insulin from them instead. This revolutionized the development of insulin, and led to a steady reduction in prices to the point that today insulin can be purchased for just 25$ at Walmart. But how exactly does the cloning and gene editing work? And how does Ginkgo hope to make money off of it?

To start with we should understand the central dogma of Biology: DNA codes for RNA, RNA codes for proteins. If you give a cell a piece of DNA, it can make RNA based on that, and then make proteins based on that RNA. Since insulin is a small protein, producing it is relatively straight forward: insert a piece of DNA into the cell which codes for the RNA which codes for insulin, and in a relatively short amount of time the cell will use the DNA you gave it to produce the insulin you wanted. But of course first you have to get the DNA for insulin and put it into your cell, and these are no small problems!

So how do you put a piece of DNA into a cell and force the cell to make proteins off of it? Well to start with the DNA has to be readable and usable by the cell you’re going to put it into, for example if has to have the right kind of introns and exons or the cell won’t use it right. Most DNA contains both exons and introns, the exons are the parts that will actually code for a protein, the introns get removed through splicing and have their own special properties we’ll talk about some other day. The important part here is that bacteria do not participate in splicing and non-human eukaryotes (yeast cells, insect cells, non-human mammal cells) splice differently than humans do. If you want your DNA to actually code for insulin, you need to use only the exons and none of the introns and you also need to ensure the cell doesn’t try to splice away your exons anyway. Let’s also note that DNA won’t even be used by a cell if it doesn’t come with a promoter, a string of DNA at the beginning of a gene that tells the cell “please turn me into RNA.” Humans have different promoters in our genes than other organisms, so you’ll need to add a promoter that works for the cell type you’re using (bacteria, insect, yeast, mammalian). Then there’s the fact that DNA (really the RNA but let’s skip a step here) is read in 3-letter codes called codons. Each codon matches to a certain tRNA, and each tRNA comes with an amino acid attached. But not all tRNAs are created equal, some organism have more or less of a certain tRNA and so will create protein more or less efficiently if you give them certain codons. Codon optimization is another tool used for making sure your piece of DNA gets efficiently transcribed and translated into a protein by using the right codons in the right cells. All these factors (exons, promoters, codons) need to be altered so that your DNA can be used by the cell you are going to put it in.

OK, so you’ve altered your DNA a whole bunch so that it codes for insulin once it’s inside a cell. Now you just have to get it there. With bacteria the system is moderately simple, many bacteria have evolved mechanisms so that they will willingly pick up just about any piece of DNA they find when subjected to major stresses (heat, electrocution). So you zap some bacteria in a tube along with your DNA of interest and some of them will pick it up. Then if your DNA has a selection marker for antibiotic resistance and you grow them up on antibiotic plates, the ones that survive are the ones who picked up your DNA and can now be grown up to start making proteins. But that’s just bacteria, a lot of drugs would be better produced in higher-order eukaryotes because those organisms are more biochemically similar to us. Eukaryotes however have a nucleus that is a barrier to foreign DNA, so you have to be extra clever (sometimes using retroviruses or CRISPR) to get your DNA into a eukaryote and make them make your insulin. And that’s just for insulin, something we figured out decades ago! There’s always new proteins or modified versions of old proteins being tested as new drugs, and every single one of them goes through this process in order to be produced using synthetic biology.

Changing the sequence of DNA you’re using, removing the introns so it only has the exons, changing the promoter, optomizing the codons, getting the DNA into cells, all these are time consuming to do and validate. I won’t get into the specifics of how they’re done, but some low level researchers may work on just this in the lab for the entirety of their junior research career (before they get their own project). This is not a simple process, and is definitely an area where Ginkgo thinks they can make a splash. The problem is that they won’t be the first and only player, there are already a number of companies out there who will do this job for you. Academic labs generally don’t use those services because it’s too expensive, and private sector labs already have competitors to choose from besides Ginkgo Bioworks. There is definitely a market here, but it’s a competitive one.

But remember, this is still just about getting the cell to make a protein! We still then need to purify the protein out of those cells in order to sell it and use it! And this too is no small problem, the USA and other countries all have regulations requiring that drugs sold to consumers must meet certain standards of quality and purity, each batch must be identical so the drug will work the same way each time, and the drug must be at the highest possible purity so no contaminants can mask or alter its effect. So purifying the protein out of your cells is another problem that Ginkgo and other companies need to solve when they are doing synthetic biology. I’ll talk about purifying some other time but with how much I wrote above about just getting the right DNA into cells so that they can produce insulin, I hope you can appreciate that this is a long and involved process. This is the work that Ginkgo Bioworks wants to do, they want to do all this in exchange for money and take over the synthetic biology industry. But their business model is strange indeed, all this work (getting the right DNA, getting it into cells, producing protein, purifying protein) will be done in what they call the foundry and they want to run that part of the business at cost meaning it won’t run a profit and will sell its services for the lowest possible amount to remain breakeven. So how does Ginkgo expect to make a profit? Tune in next time where I explain the wonderful world of IP and revenue sharing, and how that is the part of their business that I think Ginkgo has failed at.